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details >Ethan Allen manufactures and/or assembles approximately 75% of our products in our own North American plants (as of December 2018). These manufacturing facilities, along with our associated distribution and service centers and retail Design Centers, are within our control and do not engage in human trafficking and/or slavery. Ethan Allen is committed to and operates in accordance with our Leadership Principles, by which we expect all affiliates and employees to abide, and which we expect all suppliers and contractors to embrace.
Ethan Allen is engaged, at all levels, in a continuous improvement process, and we strive to maintain and establish a supply chain that conforms to Ethan Allen’s high ethical and legal standards. We do not condone the use of slavery or human trafficking and do not knowingly do business with any supplier who engages in such a practice. Further, Ethan Allen does not maintain any long-term contracts or commitments with our suppliers, and we are free to take our business elsewhere should a supplier fall short of our expectations. We have, however, established longstanding relationships with most of our suppliers, and we believe that our business relationships are grounded on a foundation of integrity, honesty, and fairness. We develop relationships with carefully selected suppliers who are committed to responsible business practices.
Our suppliers are required to certify that they adhere to our Manufacturing Code of Conduct and International Labor Standards Manual, which requires that products and materials supplied to Ethan Allen comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking. These documents inform our suppliers of our expectations and enable us to inquire about our suppliers’ activities regarding socially responsible business practices. We also have a formalized verification and auditing program for all third-party suppliers to ensure that they operate in accordance with our Code of Conduct and all applicable laws and regulations.
To assist in verifying the operations of our suppliers, members of our merchandising, design, resourcing, and quality teams periodically perform announced visits of these facilities. We also use third-party auditing companies such as Elevate and Bureau Veritas to audit our third-party suppliers. Ethan Allen maintains internal standards of accountability for all our associates, and failure to meet company standards concerning human trafficking and slavery is not tolerated. Ethan Allen provides formal training to all associates on Ethan Allen’s Code of Conduct, which includes information on action(s) to take in the event of a violation by an associate or supplier.
A Notice to our California Clients: State of California Proposition 65
Warning: Products may contain one or more chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm.
Under California law, businesses are required to provide a clear and reasonable warning to Californians before knowingly or intentionally exposing a person to a listed chemical. The warning is required when a business is aware of or believes that one or more listed chemical is present.
Ethan Allen is providing the warning because a chemical or chemicals covered by the California Proposition 65 regulation may be present in our products.
Information regarding California Proposition 65 is available here:
A Notice to our California Clients: State of California Title 20 Compliance
Where required by California law, lamps sold in California are California Title 20 compliant.