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SAVE 25% on all upholstery
SAVE 20% on living, dining, outdoor & select accents
SAVE 15% on everything else
details >for designers, builders, architects, and home staging professionals
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For builders, architects, and home stagers, we offer a 2% commission on every order; for interior designers, we offer tiers of up to 10% that increase the more you shop with us.
Gain access to our Above & Beyond Concierge Service, including free fabric and finish samples in Design Centers and online.
Unlock full access to our 3D Room Planner and present your projects like a pro.
Easy application and fast approval make it easy to place orders in a snap.
Everything from tailored seating and custom wood furniture to lighting, rugs, and window treatments—we have everything you need to furnish a beautiful custom home, all in one convenient place.
Work online or in our Design Centers—whatever’s easiest for you and your clients. Your Ethan Allen concierge is a skilled interior designer who is 100% committed to your client’s happiness—and yours.
We oversee production and update your clients on the progress of their order. We also provide professional delivery and handle customer service questions—in other words, we handle both the everyday and the unexpected.
Burnish your personal brand with the unmatched quality and craftsmanship that only Ethan Allen can deliver. From custom-crafted wood furniture to hand-tailored upholstery, every product has our full backing and support.
*See terms and conditions for details.